Of Terri Schiavo: "Miracle Healers", Won't You Please Step Forward?
As Terri Schiavo, the woman who has been brain-damaged for the last 15 years, begin starving to death when her feeding tube was recently disconnected on March 18, 2005 by a court order, I wonder, where are all those "miracle healers" hiding? Why aren't the "Christian miracle healers" around the world who have supposedly performed numerous "healings" step forward to heal Terri Schiavo? For instance, why isn't "Pastor" Rony Tan of Lighthouse Evangelism in Singapore, offering to fly Terri Schiavo down to his church's "Miracle Service?" Where is the involvement of the RHEMA Prayer and Healing Center, which is founded by Kenneth E. Hagin, in all this?
If we read the Bible carefully, we would know the claims made by various "healers" that the person's faith is required for healing isn't biblically true. Even though Terri Schiavo was a Roman Catholic, her lack of saving faith shouldn't matter, since the onus is on the healer to heal her. The Word of God clearly states that the sick person's faith is not always the prerequisite for healing. In Acts 3:1-10, there is no indication that the healing by the Apostle Peter was dependent on the cripple's faith. The cripple did not exhibit any sign of faith at all. And also in Mark 2:1-12, Jesus Christ's healing of the paralytic was not at all dependent on the paralytic's faith.
In the light of the controversy surrounding Terri Schiavo, there is never a more appropriate time for the "miracle healers" to actually heal and to save Terri Schiavo's life. However, why would they not go to Terri Schiavo and heal her right now? Just imagine the entire world hearing the news that Terri Schiavo is healed; wouldn't this sort of news put to rest all the criticisms of the alleged "miraculous healings" that are coming from many Christians and non-Christians?
Update (31 March 2005 11:54 PM): Terri Schiavo died at her hospice on Thursday morning – thirteen days after her feeding tube was disconnected.View a screenshot of Lighthouse Evangelism's Miracle Service webpage.
View a screenshot of RHEMA Bible Church's Healing Testimonies webpage.