Friday, November 04, 2005

At the Reformation Day Conference 2005

I was attending the Reformation Day Conference 2005 yesterday. Being a first-timer to the event organized by the Evangelical Reformed Churches of Singapore, I was curious to see what it is all about.

The Tulip Reformed Book Centre has also set up tables selling a couple of Christian books.

Books that I have bought:
  1. Christ's spiritual kingdom: A defense of Reformed amillennialism by David Engelsma
  2. The Case for Covenantal Infant Baptism by Gregg Strawbridge (Editor)
I have also took a couple of free booklets:
  1. Psalm Singing: A Reformed Heritage by Rev. Jason L. Kortering
  2. Without Christ by J C Ryle
  3. The Cross: The Vindication of God by D. M. Lloyd-Jones


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