Friday, August 19, 2005

C. H. Spurgeon on Calvinism

"We believe in the five great points commonly known as Calvinistic; but we do not regard these five points as being barbed shafts which we are to thrust between the ribs of our fellow Christians. We look upon them as being five great lamps which help to irradiate the cross; or, rather, five bright emanations springing from the glorious covenant of our Triune God, and illustrating the great doctrine of Jesus crucified."

- C. H. Spurgeon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

19/8/05 2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Prince of Preachers seems to have carried quite a reputation for himself through the years. He did seem to have a heart for reason. Something that seems to be wasted on an apostate church today, a church that does not even know what the "gospel" is! Like the supreme court that does not need to rewrite law in order to "perceive" it exactly the opposite of it's original intention, so to has the devil twisted the words of men and God to condemn them.The Devil is the most religious beast around and men (the church also) has fallen for his mastery. Calvinism would not be defined the same by Spurgeon as by John MacArthur. God has given us a free will and the Calvinist cannot accept the fact that he is a sinner of his own volition but desires to blame it on a gracious, holy and pure God!

10/10/05 4:13 AM  
Blogger calvinistguy said...

God has given us a free will and the Calvinist cannot accept the fact that he is a sinner of his own volition but desires to blame it on a gracious, holy and pure God!

Seriously, could you take a look at this article "Some advice to those who take it upon themselves to write against Calvinism"?

I do believe that we are sinners because of our own volitions. And I also do believe, according to the Word of God, that we cannot seek God on our own (Romans 3:10-11, John 6:44, 1 Corinthians 2:14). Only the Holy Spirit is able to draw the elect to God.

I have covered this issue in another comment.

16/10/05 4:55 PM  

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