Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Singapore authorities allow access to Chick.com

It seems that the Chick Publications website is now accessible by Internet surfers in Singapore. In the past, the MDA (Media Development Authority of Singapore) blocked Singaporeans from accessing this website for quite a period of time.

For readers who may not be aware, Chick.com is an extremely radical Christian website that is KJV-only, anti-Islam, anti-Roman Catholic, anti-rock music, anti-homosexual, anti-D&D etc. The man responsible for Chick Publications is Jack Chick. If you do a Google search, you could find a couple of anti-Chick and parody sites in the Internet. The distinctive trait of Chick Publications is its cartoon tracts, which makes for a very engaging reading experience. However, because of the organization's Arminian stance and dispensational theology, I would hesitate at using some of its cartoon tracts as evangelistic tools.

More information about Chick.com can be found in this Wikipedia article.

Update (26 Oct 2005 3:52 AM): MDA has once again blocked the website.


Blogger Agagooga said...

Sounds like a case of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

1/6/09 8:06 PM  
Anonymous www.lugo-3d.com said...

Thanks so much for the post, quite helpful piece of writing.

20/10/11 1:56 AM  

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